Find what’s driving
driver-negative cancers.

The Aventa FusionPlus test leverages 3D genomics to reveal actionable gene fusions and rearrangements missed by conventional RNA sequencing and FISH.

Advanced cancer patients per year in the United States without an actionable driver


Driver-negative patients have alterations in a gene targeted by an FDA-approved therapy

Driver-negative solid tumor patients in the Aventa clinical study

Aventa FusionPlus

Conventional comprehensive genomic profiling and FISH testing doesn’t always reveal the driver of an individual patient’s cancer.


The Aventa FusionPlus test detects
gene fusions, translocations, and
other rearrangements across 361
genes from formalin-fixed, paraffin
embedded (FFPE) tumor tissue.


3D genomics reveals variants that
conventional RNA and FISH testing
should find but do not, as well as
variants with breakpoints that RNA
sequencing can not find.


Seeing all clinically relevant
variants enables physicians to
identify druggable targets, better
understand prognosis, and
resolve diagnostic dilemmas.

Reveal druggable targets

Fusions in genes like ALK, ROS, RET, and NTRK are targeted by fusion-inhibiting therapies. The Aventa FusionPlus test doubles the diagnostic yield of these targetable fusions, providing better treatment options for these patients.

Resolve diagnostic dilemmas

Translocations are the basis for definitive diagnosis in sarcomas, salivary gland cancers, brain cancers, and others. The Aventa FusionPlus test identifies translocations in the genes most commonly used for tumor diagnosis.

361 Genes in the Aventa FusionPlus Test

How to Order

Download Test Requisition

Fill out the Form

Fax the Form

Aventa Assist

Aventa is committed to ensuring access for all eligible patients. If insurance approves test coverage, patients are only responsible for their copay, coinsurance, and deductible. Their out-of-pocket cost may be further reduced if they are eligible for financial assistance through the Aventa Assist program. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should receive Aventa testing?
Patients with driver-negative solid tumors (e.g., RAS-wt NSCLC and PDAC, unresolved sarcomas, any other driver-negative solid tumor)
What sample type is required?
Aventa testing is performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissues from needle biopsies or surgical resections
Is a new biopsy or surgical resection required for Aventa testing?
No. Aventa testing is performed on tissue from the tumor tissue remaining from the patient’s most recent biopsy or surgical resection. Our customer support team will work with the pathology laboratory to identify the best sample for testing.
Is Aventa testing reimbursed by insurance?
Yes. Aventa handles all aspects of billing and appeals on behalf of the patient. The Aventa Assist program is available for patients to reduce their out-of-pocket expense as much as possible.
How do I order the Aventa testing service for my patient?
Simply complete and submit a test requisition to Aventa (Aventa-Test-Requisition-Form.pdf) via email or fax.
What information is provided by the Aventa testing service?
The Aventa testing service identifies gene fusions, translocations, and other rearrangements that may drive the patient’s cancer. Certain variants, such as NTRK or ALK gene fusions, can be targeted by personalized therapeutic approaches. Characteristic translocations (e.g., SS18:SSX, MYBL1-NFIB) can inform diagnosis and patient management.

Contact Us

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